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Journalist Gültekin Avcı’s rights violated!

Prosecutor, lawyer and journalist Gültekin Avcı has been held in Izmir Kırıklar F Type Prison No. 2 for 7 years and 9 months for 6 columns in which he criticized the Selam Tevhid terrorist organization and Muta marriage.
Avcı was first detained on September 18, 2015, and although he was released twice, he was re-arrested due to black propaganda. The two committees that issued the release decisions against Avcı were completely changed and their members were exiled.



His relatives were shocked when they went to see Gültekin Avcı in prison where he has been imprisoned for 8 years accused for his columns. Gültekin Avcı stated that he was not given his medication in prison and that he was constantly falling due to loss of balance and that his whole body was covered in bruises. It is reported that Gültekin Avcı, who had bruises on his body due to falling and hitting left and right, asked the prison administration to record his video footage to determine this situation but his request was rejected.

It is stated that Gültekin Avcı was not given the drug Xanax, which controls mental performance and prevents panic attacks, for a long time in prison and he lost his balance and kept falling.



On December 16, 2020, Istanbul 14th Assize Court sentenced Avcı to aggravated life imprisonment by a majority vote for his 6 columns. One of the judges who voted against the verdict stated that Gültekin Avcı could only be sentenced for “aiding a terrorist organization” and should be released. However, this objection did not change the verdict. Avcı’s case is now before the Court of Appeal. Avcı has also applied twice to the Constitutional Court about the unlawfulness he has faced, but most of his complaints were not even taken into consideration in the decision. It is learned that Avcı, who also applied to the European Court of Human Rights for his rights, spends his time in prison reading and taking notes.

However, it is stated that Gültekin Avcı has recently been suffering from health problems due to lack of medication and the prison administration is indifferent to this situation.

Source: TR724

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